I you have not yet checked out the Global Citizens classroom, please do.
There is a link to a VERY short video about the Tar Sands and a place for you to respond in the following padlet.
The grade 6 students have been learning how to play the ukulele with their music teacher. This was their first public performance yesterday at the Pioneer Park Carol Sing!!
There were a total of 680 items collected this year for the food bank, and over $245 as part of our Tins and Toonies campaign.
Way to go Pioneer Park! A big shout out: thanks! To the Global Citizens of A2 and A3! K. Losey N.K. was kind enough to bring in a lovely cake to celebrate the start of the holidays! Filled with fruit and real whipped cream, it was as tasty as it was pretty! Thank you!
Some students explored Google Drawings to design mascots and uniforms for a fictional fly-ball team. Check them out! What characteristics would you want to include in your mascot?
K. Losey Last week we finished reading the book The Not Perfect Hat Club by Jena Ball. As part of the wrap up, all students in the class took The Not Perfect Hat Club Pledge.
Some take away messages from the book that the students had were: * we are all perfect the way we are - perfectly imperfect! * we can all learn from others * we can all make mistakes and make amends All students agreed that it was an amazing book and that they would definitely recommend it to other people to read! Be sure to check it out, and join us next year! K. Losey
If you get this submitted before 6:00pm today, I will email you about the questions that you got wrong (today), so that you can check for clarification. Good luck!
This year the students have been excited about the opportunity to share their artwork with another grade 5 class in Finland. We each complete the same assignment and then mail our artworks to each other along with a short letter or note to the students in the other class. Check out some of our artwork from the most recent assignment: to create a type of transportation. Some were quite creative with how they would choose to move from one space to another! Let us know which vehicle you think you would like to take a ride in! Here is a link to the Dear You website blog page. Enjoy!
http://www.dearyouartproject.com/happenings/2015/12/19/lets-go-to-finland-from-canada K. Losey Our grade 6 class and the grade 5&6 class have been busy helpers for the Tins and Toonies campaign at Pioneer Park. Each day this month, they have been busy visiting other classrooms in the school to share information about the use of the Food Banks in our Region, our province, and throughout Canada. While visiting, they have also been collecting all of the food donations that have come into the school, taking them to our central collection point outside of the front office, tallying the daily totals and communicating them to the rest of the school.... with only one day left, the students have raised over 500 items for the local community Food Bank. Stay tuned for the final count of items tomorrow on our last day for collection!
AuthorKaarina Losey Click to set Tweets by @KaarinaLosey
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December 2016
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